Thursday, January 31, 2013


It was amazing to trip over the article in the recent USITT issue of Sightlines about Designer Richard Finkelstein.  It seems Mr. Finkelstein also designs in Second Life (c) and uses it as a design tool for his real world productions. I had a great chat with him.  Remarkably, we found that we had run into some of the same people.  It's a small virtual world after all.

Mr. Finkelstein's work and mine do not travel in the same sphere's, but good design is good design no matter the size of the theatre or the budget.  It was great to see that someone else finds this a unique and very useful resource.  I still love drafting with my pencil, and I find Second Life (c) a much easier to manipulate platform for exploring virtual models.

Explore Richard Finkelsteins's work. He will be hosting a session at USITT in March (as the article explains) on Designing in the Virtual World.

Looking at his site inspired me to rework some features of my own site here.  Note the tabs under the masthead that now make it easier to explore different aspects of my work.

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