Friday, September 20, 2019

MORE Show #1 of the 2019-20 Tacoma Theater Season

Calendar Girls at Tacoma Little Theatre was such a great experience in so many ways. Not only was the show itself meaningful, and the dedication of everyone involved apparent, it was a great experience in designing.

I believe, and many of my colleagues do, that the future of stage design is in digital scenery for a variety of reasons. This show was a further testing ground for that idea, in a context that did not involve a big-box-budget.  And it worked!  The hard scenery was minimal and flexible - providing a frame for the story unfolding.  I created 13 digital backdrops for the show, depicting different seasons, times of day, and subtly following the dramatic arc with certain palette and movement choices.  

The video above shows a selection of those backdrops, in the order they appear in the show. Learned a great deal from this experience, am very pleased with how it came out, and eager to apply my new knowledge to another project.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

SHOW #1 of the 2019-20 Tacoma Theater Season

Number one of five this season.  Awaaaay we go!

Show #1: Here is the video footage and snapshots of the virtual model of my design for the season opener for Tacoma Little Theatre's 101st Season: Tim Firth's Calendar Girls.

Click on the individual images. and video embed to enlarge.

The virtual model gives you a really solid sense of the design in its space, and never needs to be dusted!  A media plot is under development to help support the sense of time passing, and the scenes that take place outdoors, on "John's Hill." This model, and the video media that are planned as part of the design, will all be created in the virtual world of Second Life ®.

DRAFT of set in "John's Hill" mode 7.14.19
Overhead view of revised model as of 7.20.19 in "Church Hall" mode
Revised model as of 8.4.19 in "Church Hall" mode